
What is the award for the winning entry?

The Grand Award of Design has two categories: Gold and Pioneer. Gold is the main category and Pioneer award aims at smaller companies/startups.

The category winners of the Grand Award of Design are awarded a cash prize and exhibition spot* at The TechArena 2026.

If you’re selected as one of the three finalists in each category, you will receive 10,000 SEK and earn an exhibition spot* at TechArena Zero 2025, a sustainability event in Stockholm on October 23rd. This is a valuable opportunity to showcase your work to industry leaders and decision makers, gaining significant exposure.

Winner Gold Category: 250.000 SEK + exhibition spot at The TechArena 2026.
This is the main and aims at bigger products/companies. Criterias: Design excellence, Commercial Success, Sustainability

Winner Pioneer Category: 100.000 SEK + exhibition spot at The TechArena 2026.
This award aims at smaller companies/startups. Criterias: Design excellence, Commercial Potential, Sustainability.

To be eligible for the award, the recipient must be a producing company based in Sweden, along with the provider of the design expertise, whether internal or external, who was primarily responsible for the design work.

Application form for 2025

  • Stora Designpriset was established in 2002 by Teknikföretagen (formerly VI Sweden’s Workshop Industries) in collaboration with Stiftelsen Svensk Industridesign (SVID) and Svensk Form (SF).

  • The purpose of the award is to highlight the role of professional design in business development as a critical factor for financial success. The award aims to inspire Swedish companies to prioritize design in their strategic planning.

  • The award is given for a commercially successful product, service, or range where design has played a decisive role, and the success has been sustained long enough to demonstrate the clear benefits of the design effort. The assessment may also consider the overall design strategy, including innovation, novelty, ergonomics, user benefits, environmental considerations, and production adaptation.

  • To be eligible for the award, the recipient must be a producing company based in Sweden, along with the provider of the design expertise, whether internal or external, who was primarily responsible for the design work.

  • Winners are selected by a jury of 5-7 members. Each of the organizations mentioned in point one appoints one member. Additionally, jury members can be chosen from representatives of Teknikföretagen’s member companies, other experts, and from the previous year’s winners. The jury selects a chairman and a secretary from among its members.

  • Jury members are prohibited from participating in the evaluation of any entry where they have a direct or indirect interest that could compromise their impartiality.

  • The winning company is entitled to highlight in its marketing that it has received the “Grand Award of Design.” The provider of the design expertise receives SEK 250,000.

  • The finalists are announced annually, one week before the Techarenan Annual Dinner, where the category winners are revealed.

  • The Grand Award of Design, formerly known as the Great Design Prize, was established in 2002 by Teknikföretagen (formerly VI Sweden’s Workshop Industries) in collaboration with the Swedish Industrial Design Foundation (SVID) and Svensk Form (SF). As of 2023, the award is organized by Techarenan and Teknikföretagen and has been renamed to the Grand Award of Design to appeal to an international audience.

  • The purpose of the award is to highlight the importance of professional design in business development as a key factor for financial success. The award aims to inspire Swedish companies to prioritize design in their strategic planning.

  • The award is given to a product, service, or range that demonstrates potential for commercial success, where design plays a crucial role. The assessment may also consider the overall design strategy, including the level of innovation, novelty, ergonomics, user benefits, environmental considerations, and production adaptation.

  • To be eligible for the award, the recipient must be a company based in Sweden, along with the provider of the design expertise, whether internal or external, responsible for the main design work.

  • Winners are selected by a jury of 3-5 members. Jury members are chosen from representatives of Teknikföretagen’s member companies, Techarenan, and other design experts.

  • Jury members are prohibited from participating in the evaluation of any entry where they have a direct or indirect interest that could compromise their impartiality.

  • The winning company receives a trophy and the right to promote itself as a “Grand Award of Design Pioneer” in its marketing materials. The provider of the design expertise is awarded a prize of SEK 100,000.

  • The finalists are announced annually, one week before the Techarenan Annual Dinner, where the category winners are revealed.

Renowned companies among previous winners and finalists

The Grand Award of Design celebrates companies that have successfully incorporated and leveraged design to create innovative products and services that showcase excellent creativity, functionality, and deep understanding of customer’s behaviors and needs.

Previous winners such as Baby Björn, Volvo, Sony Ericsson, Husqvarna and many more are now considered iconic on a global level. 

With the rising need for sustainable solutions, product- and industrial designers have played an important role when it comes to material use, technical solutions and design that gives minimal impact on the world. With last year’s finalists and winners, sustainable solutions where the key driver for the design and the products itself, and designed to change behaviors.


*Exhibition spot size: maximum of 2x2m