Finalist 2020: X Shore
In an industry bound by tradition, the electric boat manufacturer X Shore challenges with innovative research, smart design and sustainable materials. With the speed of a combustion engine and the silence of an electric motor.
Konrad Bergström thought that the boats on the market were a bit too expensive and poorly designed compared to cars, and that he had to do something about it. As early as 1996, he registered the trademark X Shore, but it would take until 2012 before the project started in earnest.
– When I saw Tesla’s powertrain and fantastic design, in combination with the whole concept of sustainability, I felt that this would be of greater benefiton the sea. Water has a density 784 times higher than air and requires much more energy, he says.
He says that gasoline or diesel-powered internal combustion engines have an efficiency of around 27-30 percent, while an electric one is 95-97 percent. With an electric boat you avoid vibrations, noise, and exhaust gases has a running cost of only 10 percent of a petrol engine-driven variant. X Shore breaks new ground with its combination of design, durability and technology.
The shape of an electric eel
It is a Scandinavian minimalist design that meets the eye, with an interior that the user can customize . The material is cork, something which is unusual in the boat industry but which comes with many advantages: light, non-slip, warm when wet and cool when hot, as well as sound dampening. The colors are earthy so that the boat will blend in with nature: sand, moss gray and black brown. The shape is also inspired by nature.
– We have used the South American electric eel as design inspiration, with its large head and tapered tail. It is graceful, resilient and can carry a lot of electricity, says Konrad Bergström.
Safety and driving experience have been a major focus. Among other things, the control buttons have been placed on the steering wheel which made room for a generous screen. And asymmetric steps ensure that you safely step on the boat, and not fall in, which is otherwise not unusual.
“It’s graceful, resilient and can carry a lot of electricity.”
Konrad Bergström, X Shore

Looking to change the boating world
X Shore wants to change the entire boating world and, according to Konrad Bergström, give the opportunity to experience the water the way it should be. Breaking new ground has involved an educational process.
– In the beginning, people thought we were crazy, because you learned as a child that water and electricity don’t mix. But I knew that with a little time people would understand that the boat of the future is not only electric, but also looks like this. We were sure that the design of the boats was right for the time and now we have a good crowd who agree with us that they are really good looking. Add to that the silence and lack of emissions that come with an electric boat and you have an unbeatable product, but also an experience that is total, he says.
Finalist Grand Award of Design 2020: X Shore
Producing company: X Shore.
Design: X Shore.
Motivation: Through the combination of design, sustainability and technology, X Shore has developed the boat concept of the future. Electric powered without vibrations, noise and exhaust gases – without sacrificing speed. Designed down to the smallest detail, with earthy colors and materials, it sets a new standard in the boating industry.