Finalist 2019: Bob

Finalist 2019: Bob Infinite number of possibilities with as few components as possible. Based on this description, Blå Station with Thomas Bernstrand and Stefan Borselius created Bob – the sofa group that revolutionized the industry. Through a brief open to great freedom of interpretation but with clear wishes for sustainability, logistics and production, no one […]

Finalist 2019: OP-Z

Finalist 2019: OP-Z How do you make an already portable synthesizer even more portable? Teenage Engineering asked themselves that question and went back to the drawing board to build a synth that could control an entire live show. With the OP-Z, Teenage Engineering didn’t just build a Grand Award of Design – nominated synthesizer. OP-Z […]

Finalist 2019: Renova

Finalist 2019: Renova With an increased interest in sustainability work, Renova saw a need to make it easier for its customers to follow their recycling work in statistics through educational UX design. With a focus on the customer and sustainability, this finalist in the Grand Award of Design developed a simple and stylish UX design […]


Dan Nyman


Omid Ekhlasi